Online Quiz

Fun Accelerated Reader-style quizzes on popular and award-winning books, including World Book Day authors and Carnegie & Kate Greenaway shortlisted titles and more!


Question 1 of 5

What was one thing offered to any person who could get Cinnamon to talk?

a field of stunted mango trees

a brilliantly feathered peacock

the golden statue of the King

a crown of priceless jewels


Question 2 of 5

What did the parrot do when the tiger was shown to the palace room?

It squawked and flew up to the rafters away from the tiger.

It led the tiger into the lovely gardens of the castle.

It sat squarely on the shoulder of the mighty tiger.

It told the Rajah to put the tiger in a cage for the safety of all.


Question 3 of 5

Cinnamon whimpered when the tiger ---.

pierced her hand with a needle-sharp claw

pulled the long plait that hung down her back

hugged her too hard with his powerful arms

broke the pearl necklace she had received from Rani


Question 4 of 5

After Cinnamon began to talk, what did she say?

She was going with the tiger.

She wanted to show the tiger the magical pond.

She had given the tiger a pearl from her eye.

She would host a feast for the tiger.


Question 5 of 5

Before the tiger left with Cinnamon, what did he tell Rajah to do?

give the parrot and other things to the people

take time to sing and dance in the mango grove

hang a portrait of the tiger in the castle

tell Cinnamon of the beauty all around her


Book cover for Cinnamon

by Neil Gaiman

Quiz: 232995 EN     Level: 5.1 LY
Points: 0.5

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