Online Quiz

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Sam Hannigan’s Rock Star Granny

Question 1 of 5

Nanny Gigg won Roaming Scones tickets from Clobberstown FM by ---.

being the seventeenth person to call DJ Liz Anya's show

singing "I Wanna Love You, Girl" live on air to DJ Liz Anya

knowing the answer to DJ Liz Anya's question about the Roaming Scones' pets

raising the most money for the Roaming Scones' new charity


Question 2 of 5

Why did the class laugh when Sam and Ajay showed Sindy at Show & Tell?

The only word Sindy would say was "knickers".

Bruno had drawn a moustache on Sindy with a Sharpie.

Sindy shrank "to the size of a pea" after eating a strange looking seed.

Ms Sniffles screamed when Sindy "kissed" her.


Question 3 of 5

A continually-growing Sindy flew out of the B&B window while Sam was ---.

following the strange sounds she had heard into the kitchen

reading the Snoots' paperwork in their private office

playing games with the other children at the B&B

searching for her concert ticket, which had been stolen


Question 4 of 5

What did Ajay do while hanging onto Sindy's leg as she flew?

He took out his phone and called Ogg.

He wrapped his belt around Sindy's leg in case he lost his grip.

He dropped Jolly Roger Chew Bars into the crowd.

He swallowed a drop of Enorma-Gro.


Question 5 of 5

After Nanny's teeth fixed a guitar lead, Eddie said she was allowed to ---.

watch the concert from the side of the stage

choose one of his signed guitars to take home

post the selfie she'd taken with the band online

choose the opening song for the concert


Book cover for Sam Hannigan’s Rock Star Granny

Sam Hannigan’s Rock Star Granny
by Alan Nolan

Quiz: 235223 EN     Level: 6.1 MY
Points: 2

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